Elevoplasty in Great Neck, NY

What is Elevoplasty?

Elevoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure for snoring performed at Great Neck ENT. The procedure lifts and stiffens the soft tissue of the palate to help reduce snoring. It is an alternative for those patients seeking relief from snoring who are not interested in wearing an oral appliance at night and who are not willing to undergo invasive surgery.

What to expect during the procedure

During the Elevoplasty procedure, using local anesthesia, Dr. Werber places three absorbable sutures into the soft palate that stiffen the soft tissue, reducing vibration and snoring. Following the procedure, a mild sore throat may be present for up to three days.

Is the Elevoplasty procedure right for me?

During your consultation, Dr. Werber will examine your upper airway to determine the anatomic site causing snoring. A home sleep study will be scheduled to exclude the possibility of significant sleep apnea.

To schedule a consultation, click here or contact our office at 516-829-3466 »

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