As the seasons change, and the air becomes cooler and dryer, the incidence of nose bleeds(epistaxis) increases. The mucous membranes of the nose have a rich blood supply, and the dry air makes them more friable and likely to bleed. Those who take daily low-dose aspirin are at increased risk of bleeding. Use of anti-coagulant medications such as coumadin(warfarin), xaralto and eliquis significantly increase bleeding risk. Structural abnormalities, such as a deviated nasal septum also increase the risk of epistaxis.
There are steps you can take to reduce the risk of nose bleeds. Placing a dab of petroleum ointment(vaseline or aquaphor) one quarter inch inside the nostril, toward the middle, at bedtime is very helpful. Increasing humidity in the bedroom with a cool-mist ultrasonic humidifier is also helpful.
If you do get a nose bleed, the best way to stop it is to squeeze the nostrils shut by applying pressure at the bottom of the nose for 5 minutes.
If you continue to have nose bleeds, schedule an appointment with the doctors at Great Neck ENT. Cauterizing the nose is a highly effective treatment for recurrent epistaxis.