Balloon Sinuplasty is a procedure that opens(drains) sinuses without cutting or removing tissue. It was developed by a patient who underwent coronary artery angioplasty and suffered from chronic sinusitis. He envisioned that the less invasive technology used due open his coronary arteries could work to open his sinuses.
Balloon Sinuplasty is a treatment for those with recurrent sinus infections, frequent sinus headaches or facial pain/pressure, chronic nasal congestion, and persistent post-nasal drip due to sinusitis.
During the balloon Sinuplasty procedure, a catheter is threaded into the affected sinus. A balloon is advanced over the catheter and inflated to enlarge the natural opening. Because there is no cutting or removal of tissue, there is minimal bleeding, and no risk of scar tissue. Multiple sinuses can be treated in one session.
Balloon Sinuplasty is commonly performed in the office, with local anesthesia and mild oral sedation. The procedure is usually completed in one hour, and there is no need for pain medication or antibiotics. Most patients may return to work and normal activities the next day.
Numerous studies have confirmed that patients have relief of their chronic sinus symptoms and improved quality of life for at least 2 years following the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure.
The doctors at Great Neck ENT are experts in Balloon Sinuplasty
Dr. Werber and Dr. Haunss have received extensive training in the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, and have performed hundreds of procedures in the office and operating room.